Thursday, February 10, 2011


Snow Day Challenge: The first 10 people to complete the tasks below will receive a prize when we return to school. Everyone who completes all 4 tasks will receive a small prize.

Task 1: Go to and create a student account and join our science class. Email me ( if you need the access code. You'll need the code to join our science class.

Task 2: Post one good question (of your own creation) about anything in chapter 6: The Atmosphere.

Task 3: Post a good answer to the questions of at least two other students. (If someone has already answered a question, you may add to the discussion)

Task 4: Tell 2 other people about the challenge and message me their names to me on edmodo. (type "Ballew" where it says "send to")

Have fun! Bonus points for more thought provoking questions and answers.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Reading Enhancement News:

These students just finished reading Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH.  Here are our versions of the genetically altered lab rats:

Monday, November 29, 2010

Check out our China project pictures!

China Projects: Great Wall of China, Silk Road Journal, Qin Dynasty Terra Cotta Soldiers

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ancient Egypt Projects 2010

I'm so proud of my students! Take a look at some of the great Egypt projects that were turned in at the end of our Ancient Egypt unit. All of that hard work really shows!!